Monday, September 30, 2019

Family And Kinship In India

India offers astounding variety in virtually every aspect of social life. Diversities of ethnic, linguistic, regional, economic, religious, class, and caste groups crosscut Indian society, which is also permeated with immense urban-rural differences and gender distinctions. Differences between north India and south India are particularly significant, especially in systems of kinship and marriage. Indian society is multifaceted to an extent perhaps unknown in any other of the world’s great civilizations—it is more like an area as varied as Europe than any other single nation-state.Adding further variety to contemporary Indian culture are rapidly occurring changes affecting various regions and socioeconomic groups in disparate ways. Yet, amid the complexities of Indian life, widely accepted cultural themes enhance social harmony and order. Many Indian societies were organized around principles of kinship. Kinship ties based on bloodlines or marriage formed the basis of th e political, economic, and religious system. Succession to political office and religious positions, ownership and inheritance of property, and even whom one could or could not marry were determined on the basis of membership in a kin group.Social bonds with relatives must be reinforced at family events or at rites crucial to the religious community. Indian Society Hierarchy India is a hierarchical society. Whether in north India or south India, Hindu or Muslim, urban or village, virtually all things, people, and social groups are ranked according to various essential qualities. Although India is a political democracy, notions of complete equality are seldom evident in daily life. Societal hierarchy is evident in caste groups, amongst individuals, and in family and kinship groups.Castes are primarily associated with Hinduism, but caste-like groups also exist among Muslims, Indian, Christians, and other religious communities. Within most villages or towns, everyone knows the relative rankings of each locally represented caste, and behavior is constantly shaped by this knowledge. Individuals are also ranked according to their wealth and power. For example, some powerful people, or â€Å"big men,† sit confidently on chairs, while â€Å"little men† come before them to make requests, either standing or squatting not presuming to sit beside a man of high status as an equal.Hierarchy plays an important role within families and kinship groupings also, where men outrank women of similar age, and senior relatives outrank junior relatives. Formal respect is accorded family members—for example, in northern India, a daughter-in-law shows deference to her husband, to all senior in-laws, and to all daughters of the household. Siblings, too, recognize age differences, with younger siblings addressing older siblings by respectful terms rather than by name. Social Interdependence One of the great themes pervading Indian life is social interdependence.People are born into groups–families, clans, sub castes, castes, and religious communities–and live with a constant sense of being part of and inseparable from these groups. A corollary is the notion that everything a person does properly involves interaction with other people. A person's greatest dread, perhaps, is the possibility of being left alone, without social support, to face the necessary challenges of life. This sense of interdependence is extended into the theological realm: the very shape of a person's life is seen as being greatly influenced by divine beings with whom an ongoing relationship must be maintained.Psychologically, family members typically experience intense emotional interdependence. Economic activities, too, are deeply imbedded in a social nexus. Through a multitude of kinship ties, each person is linked with kin in villages and towns near and far. Almost everywhere a person goes; he can find a relative from whom he can expect moral and practical s upport. In every activity, social ties can help a person and the absence of them can bring failure. Seldom do people carry out even the simplest tasks on their own. When a small child eats, his mother puts the food into his mouth with her own hand.When a girl brings water home from the well in pots on her head, someone helps her unload the pots. A student hopes that an influential relative or friend can facilitate his college admission. A young person anticipates that parents will arrange his or her marriage. Finally, a person facing death expects that relatives will conduct the proper funeral rites ensuring his own smooth passage to the next stage of existence and reaffirming social ties among mourners. This sense of interdependence extends into the theological realm.From birth onward, a child learns that his â€Å"fate† has been â€Å"written† by divine forces and that his life is shaped by powerful deities with whom an ongoing relationship must be maintained. Social interaction is regarded as being of the highest priority, and social bonds are expected to be long lasting. Even economic activities that might in Western culture involve impersonal interactions are in India deeply imbedded in a social nexus. All social interaction involves constant attention to hierarchy, respect, honor, the feelings of others, rights and obligations, hospitality, and gifts of food, clothing, and other desirable items.Finely tuned rules of etiquette help facilitate each individual's many social relationships. . Indian Family structure . Indian family structure is believed to be the unit that teaches the values and worth of an honest living that have been carried down across generations. Since the puranic ages, Indian family structure was that of a joint family indicating every person of the same clan living together. However, this idea of elaborate living had been disintintegrated in smaller family units. The essential themes of Indian cultural life are learned wi thin the bosom of a family.The joint family is highly valued, ideally  consisting of several generations residing, working, eating, and worshiping together. Such families include men related through the male line, along with their wives, children, and unmarried daughters. A wife usually lives with her husband’s relatives, although she retains important bonds with her natal family. Even in rapidly modernizing India, the traditional joint household remains for most Indians the primary social force, in both ideal and practice. Large families tend to be flexible and well suited to modern Indian life, especially for the more than two-thirds of Indians who are involved in agriculture.As in most primarily agricultural societies, cooperating kin help provide mutual economic security. The joint family is also common in cities, where kinship ties are often crucial to obtaining employment or financial assistance. Many prominent families, such as the Tatas, Birlas, and Sarabhais, retai n joint family arrangements as they cooperate in controlling major financial empires The ancient ideal of the joint family retains its power, but today actual living arrangements vary widely. Many Indians live in nuclear families—-a couple with their unmarried children—-but belong to strong networks of beneficial kinship ties.Often, clusters of relatives live as neighbors, responding readily to their kinship obligations. As they expand, joint families typically divide into smaller units, which gradually grow into new joint families, continuing a perpetual cycle. Today, some family members may move about to take advantage of job opportunities, typically sending money home to the larger family. FAMILY TRANSFORMATION An Analytical look on various studies: by different sociologist point of views The Study of family in India centers on the debate of joint family versus nuclear family.The first authentic study on family comes from the writings of Sir Henry Maine, who was law adviser to the colonial government of India. He developed intellectual interest in family studies. He indicated that joint family is characterized by: †¢ Common property holding. †¢ Absolute authority of ‘Karta’. He considered that joint family is corporate unit where people make contribution differently but share rewards on the basis of their needs. He said that joint family sustains in India because it is considered as moral institution with the members are obliged to perform rituals for common dead ancestorsGS Ghurye considered that ‘joint family is a product of Indian culture that glorified classical values. There is universal presence of joint family cutting across caste, religion which promoted unity among people in Indian society. PN Prabhu in his analysis of family and kinship in India considers that individual association with joint family is driven by moralist, therefore when morals is replaced by individualism (when tradition is replaced by m odernity) then joint family is transformed into nuclear family.Irawati Karve offered an exhaustive definition of joint family. She writes that joint family refers to a social group where people belonging to 3 – 4 generations organically related to each other, hold property in common, share common residence, eat food prepared in common kitchen, participate in common rituals and ceremonies and they have, obligations towards the head of the family known as ‘Karta’. She considers that joint family is a product of culture and therefore despite economic transformation joint family system persists in India.It sustains itself as it is driven by cultural ideology rather than driven by economic interest. During 1960s two group of sociologist took considerable interest in the field of family study. One group conforming to modern theory looked into complete integration of joint family system whereas the other group went for empirical studies to examine regional variations in family transformation under the various process of modernity. These two theories cannot be considered as qualitatively different because there position stand vary only on the question of the degree of changes in family.MN Srinivas, SC Dubay find out that there is a strong linkage between caste and joint family. Empirical study indicates that higher castes go for joint family system and lower castes go for nuclear family. Therefore joint family is driven by economic logic rather than cultural moralist. It is also noticed that joint family is not breaking down completely under the influence of urban living. Alan Rose in a study of Bangalore finds out that around 70% of families manifest either structural joint ness of functional joint ness or a mixture of both.MS Gore in his study of Agarwals of Delhi finds out that how mother – son relationship precedes over husband – wife relationship and family operates as a strong support base to its members in matters related to se lection of occupation, financial assistance and selection of mates. TN Madan indicates how residential separation has not given way to break down of joint family. In his theory of â€Å"money order economy† he indicates that family joint ness has always been enduring in case of India. Thus these scholars concluded by saying that family transformation in India is not a replica of family transformation in the West.Therefore social change in India is Indian in character and so Western theories and models cannot explain family transformation in Indian society Household dimensions of the Family Family transformation in India has puts a fundamental question that, whether in India joint household is disintegrating or joint family is disintegrating. He finds out that proportion of joint household is more today in comparison to past. He points out the reasons for the same i. e. due to rising population; construction of house has become costly, migration in search of employment etc. Bi gger joint households are now splitting into smaller households.People living in different households have strong emotional ties therefore joint household is disintegrating but not joint family and so family should be studied from household perspective and changes in household and family patterns must be investigated to examine actual nature of family transformation in India. Classical sociologists were greatly committed to family study either by considering family as cornerstone of human society or by looking into changing nature of society. With the advent of modernity it was perceived that household is a residential space but family is a social institution.However, with the rise of feminism both as an ideology and as social movement, women's approach towards marriage has gone through a series of transformation. AM Shah in his book â€Å"household dimension of the family in India† indicate that even in traditional context, household and family do not mean similar things. Ci ting the case of India he considers that family and household were absolutely different but family studies in India immensely focused attention on the transformation of joint family into nuclear family. Household refers to residential space where people living together may or may not constitute family.Looking at household pattern one could effectively study nature and form of transformation taking place in Indian society. In recent analysis of global migration and family pattern, it has been found out that in countries like Philippines and India a large chunk of women in search of employment go out to advanced countries of the world. Though most of them are married they don't stay with their family. As a result they constitute independent household. These households may constitute many friends living together or a person living with working partner to whom he/she is not married or a person living all alone.It is generally perceived in case of India that household is less durable an alternative to family system, which gives more importance to friendship than kinship. Household offer immense individual liberty, sexual freedom, limited or no liability towards the other members of the household. Thus it can be concluded that household is evolving into a replacement for family in many developing countries including India. Therefore sociology of kinship is shifting its focus from the study of marriage and family to the study of friendship and household.Sexual Division of Labour Feminist sociologists are of the opinion that whether it’s joint family or nuclear family, in no way family transformation is affecting to the status of women in India. Therefore reproduction, sexuality, division of labour are all determined by the values of patriarchy than by principles of equality. Talcott Parson indicates that industrialisation, urbanization, migration have contributed for occupational mobility, empowerment of women and gender gap within and outside family has suffi ciently been reduced.The modernist theory also indicates that in case of India relationship between husband and wife is now proceeding over parent-child relationship. Conjugal relationship is considered as more important than obligation towards kinship. Irrespective of gender every child inherits the property from parents, selection of mates is no longer family’s responsibility and childbirth is greatly a matter of economics and mutual agreement between spouse. Therefore modernity has broken down traditional form of marriage, hierarchical form of relationship.Traditionally, males have controlled key family resources, such as land or businesses, especially in high-status groups. Following traditional Hindu law, women did not inherit real estate and were thus beholden to their male kin who controlled land and buildings. Under Muslim customary law, women can—and do—inherit real estate, but their shares have typically been smaller than those of males. Modern legisla tion allows all Indian women to inherit real estate. Traditionally, for those families who could afford it, women have controlled some wealth in the form of precious jewelry.In the Indian household, lines of hierarchy and authority are clearly drawn, and ideals of conduct help maintain family harmony. [i] All family members are socialized to accept the authority of those above them in the hierarchy. The eldest male acts as family head, and his wife supervises her daughters-in-law, among whom the youngest has the least authority. Reciprocally, those in authority accept responsibility for meeting the needs of other family members. Systems of Kinship in India Kinship is considered as the heart and soul of Indian social life. DespiteIndia's exposure to technological and industrial modernity, descent plays a significant role in the life of people. GS Ghurye writes in detail about various descent groups living together in different regions of the country carrying different names and ident ities. These different lineage groups bringing together a multi-civilization thereby making India a land of pluralism. However, all these descent groups imbibe common rules of marriage, common food behavior, common cultural, religious ideology radiating from Hinduism and that made Indian society a land of diversity.Indologists look into the role of descent in defining marriage, family and kinship in India. The people belonging to similar descent group are located in a given region where they worship to their common ancestors, follow common way of life and when the size of descent group expands, they migrate to different areas but still carry their identity. Therefore caste is nothing but an expanded descent system that maintains its boundary, distinguishing itself from the other caste.Andre Beteille indicates association of man and kinship is so strong in India that voting behavior is driven by kinship rather than on the basis of merit. In all the political parties of India kinship is the primary source of political recruitment. Thus democratic polity in India is engaged in social and cultural reproduction. In case of India family/kinship offers ideological, economic, infrastructural support to individual to determine the nature of occupation.In conclusion it can be said that the role of descent and kinship not only determines the private sphere of an individual’s life like marriage, family, household, gender role, rituals but also has great influence over his public life like occupational selection, political participation and identity formation. Therefore the role of descent and kinship has changed very little under the influence of modernity in India and so while studying social transformation one cannot afford to ignore the same.Lineage system can be divided into two parts in India i.e. †¢ Unilineal systems: a system of determining descent groups in which one belongs to one's father's or mother's lineage. Both patrilineality and matrilineality are types of unilineal descent. †¢ Non-Unilineal systems: a system where there exists multiple forms of relationship. Classical anthropologists divide descent groups into two fundamental types such as: †¢ Patrilineal : inheriting or determining descent through the male line. †¢ Matrilineal : inheriting or determining descent through the female line. Types of kinship systemsKinship is a relationship between any entity that share a genealogical origin (related to family, lineage, history), through either biological, cultural, or historical descent. The first sociologist to study kinship systems in India is Irawati Karve, she divided India into four different kinship zones such as: †¢ North Indian kinship systems. †¢ South Indian kinship systems. †¢ Central Indian kinship systems. †¢ Eastern Indian kinship systems. North Indian kinship systems This kinship system is present in Hindi speaking belt and also in areas where Aryan culture influence is subs tantive.It includes West Bengal, Orissa and Bihar. In North India kinship systems, the rules of marriage is highly exhaustive because a large body of people are excluded from alliance relationship. One cannot receive women from his mother’s group or mother's mother group, father’s mother group and from within his own village. Hence exogamy is quite exhaustive and marriage involves not intra-family ties but inter-village ties. Residential system is very Virilocal (bride lives with husband's father’s group) type . In North Indian kinship father – son relationship precedes over husband – wife relationship.South Indian kinship systems This type of relationship system is largely present in all southern states and some of its influence is also largely noticed in pockets of Maharashtra and Orissa. In southern India kinship systems, no distinction is made between patrilineal or matrilineal. In case of South India cross cousins marriage take place and so ex ogamy is not exhaustive like in North India. The relationship between husband and wife is not subdued to father – son relationship as in case of North India. Hostility of relationship between the in laws driven by suspicion is also weak in South India.Central Indian kinship systems This system is practised in case of Gujarat, Maharashtra, MP which is a mixture of elements of North and South India. In case of Rajputs marriage is greatly determined on the basis of family status of girl. Rajputs are permitted to marry any girl on the basis of their choice rather than simply follow the rules of caste. Marathas are divided into 32 clans which are put into primary, secondary and tertiary divisions and so the rules of marriage are determined accordingly between various divisions.In case of â€Å"Kumbi† of Gujarat one is not supposed to marry women belonging to first-generation from father's side and three generations from mother's side. In case of Rajasthan on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiyamassive marriages take place involving people belonging to different age groups and their rules of marriage is sufficiently relaxed. Eastern India kinship systems It largely includes kinship patterns followed by different tribal groups like Munda of Orissa, Manipuri of Manipur, Nagas, Kukis and Khasi. These kinship systems don't follow specific patterns .A daughter carries the name of patrilineal grandmother and son carries the name of patrilineal grandfather, divorce is common among them In conclusion these regional variations in kinship largely speaks about differential residential patterns, entitlement on the basis of gender, social status of men, women and children bringing the point back home that Indian culture is largely pluralistic in character. Therefore unity in India should not be seen as destruction of the process of diversity but rather it should respect the process of diversity.CONCLUSIONGradual changes have been ushered in by religious, social, a nd cultural reforms. Industrialization, urbanization, and technological advances have been instrumental in changing family structures, values, and lifestyles. Ganeswar Misra (1995) emphasized that middle- and upper-class families in urban areas were undergoing a dramatic transformation because the younger generation is questioning power issues, traditional roles, hierarchical relationships, obligations, loyalty, and deference for kinsmen and elderly.With changing times, Indian family structure, functions, traditional division of labor, and authority patterns have altered, favoring more egalitarian relations between the husband and the wife and also a move toward more shared decision-making patterns between parents and children. Despite these changes, the fact remains that most individuals continue to value and give top priority to the family, and families continue to maintain strong kinship bonds and ties.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Marion Sparg

Marion sparg Marion Sparg was one of the few white women to join Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), the armed wing of the African National Congress during South Africa's apartheid era. A Sunday Times journalist, she was prompted into action after 32 ANC members and 19 civilians were killed by the South African Defence Force in an attack on Maseru, Lesotho.She would spend the years between 1981 and 1986 in exile where she received training in guerrilla warfare and worked in the ANC's Communication Department on a publication named Voice of Women and thereafter joined the Special Operations Division of Umkhonto We Sizwe In 1986 she was sentenced to 25 years' imprisonment on charges of treason, arson and attempted arson. Pleading guilty to all charges, she admitted planting and exploding limpet mines at Johannesburg's notorious police headquarters, John Vorster Square, and also at Cambridge Police Station in East LondonFollowing the unbanning of the ANC, she was released in 1991 at the same time a s fellow treason prisoners Damian de Lange and Iain Robertson, shortly after which she was nominated to the ANC delegation that participated in an early round of CODESA, the multiparty negotiations that led to South Africa's first multi-racial elections in 1994. In the same year, at the age of 34, she was appointed deputy executive director of the Constitutional Assembly, the body that would draft South Africa's groundbreaking 1996 constitution. 1996 she was appointed Town Clerk of the Eastern Metropolitan sub-structure of the Lekoa- Vaal-metropole. [7] Three years later she became the Secretary to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) and in 2000 joined the office of Bulelani Ngcuka where she became Chief Executive Officer of the National Prosecuting Authority and the accounting officer of the Directorate of Special Operations, commonly known as the Scorpions.In 2003, amidst a public spat between the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and Jacob Zuma, South Africa's then-disgra ced deputy president, anonymous letters were sent to the Public Service Commission (PSC) accusing Sparg, her deputy Beryl Simelane and integrity unit head Dipuo Mvelase (also Deputy Chairperson of the South African Communist Party) of tender-rigging, corruption and nepotism. The Commission found no criminal wrongdoing and referred the matter to the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development – the parent body of the NPA.The Department head instituted 30 charges against the three women. South Africa's Financial Mail would describe the allegations as ‘bizarre' after the charges were withdrawn at the formal disciplinary hearing, only to be reinstated two days later. They would be officially dropped in early 2007. In June 2007 she resigned from the NPA to take up employment in the private sector. Marion has since joined Draftfcb Social Marketing, a division of Draftfcb SA.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Enrollment System Essay

Enrollment is the focus of the Compfuturist that would lessen the institution’s difficulties in their Information System processing, solve data problems and an easier access of the establishment’s information. Every enrollment, 80-100 enrollees come for the dates of admission having a maximum of 30 for each level, in present time classrooms are consist of 15 students. An easier recording of files and a database to save documents will lessen the space being occupied by the records of the students. A faster transaction, easier ways for inputting datum and a convenient ways for saving files are offered for the use of the establishment by the enrolment system. The commonly used advertisements of schools are brochures, leaflets, banners and calling cards; the group also offers a website that will be used to improve its approach to people. The website would be a help for parents about the notice or updates of events and gatherings, it would also be a way to know the history of the institution and the contact details of the establishment. The incomplete requirements are the main problems during the enrollment, one of which is the student information, some of the information needed is not filled up and some are important to the school records. In the Pre-School it is required for them to have the copy of their birth certificate, two (2) copies of a 2Ãâ€"2 photo and an interview with the Pastor or Principal. For the grade-schoolers a photocopy of the birth certificate, the form 138, a certificate of Good Moral Character for transferee and an interview with the Pastor or Principal. Due to the uninformed people about the requirements needed some are not brought and are filed to be uncompleted forms. Each student has a folder that contains his or her information about the birth certificates, previous records from the earlier institution he or she attended, the quality point average for each year and also the permits signed by the parents. Enrollment takes time and effort from the parents, students and also from the teachers; every step of an enrolment, a teacher is assigned to instruct a parent or guardian what to do and where to go next. The slow process of enrolment makes the parents furious and makes the job even harder for the teachers for them to rush, that sometimes some records are not being filed or are not properly assigned. Missing documents are also a cause of problem for the institution, it might be placed to another folder or the parent forgot about it. A school’s updates about events and gatherings are the problems for teachers and parents. Students forget to tell their guardians or forgot to give the letter accustomed by their advisers. The result of the forgotten events cause students not to wear the proper attire, parents does not attend meetings and gatherings, students are thought to be absent for specific happenings and also parents become indignant about the unknown proceedings. Project Framework The Compfuturist Group offers the instituion. a system and a website that would shoulder the difficulties of the institution. The school appoints teachers to handle the student information during the enrollment. Software that is specially made only for Mabalacat Christian Academy and a website that would help the advertisement of the school increase. The system can only be open by an authorized member or the principal of the institution. Passwords and accounts would be made for the privacy policy made by the institution to safeguard each student’s information and background. The Student Information Sheet or Form would consist of the basic details about his or her family, previous schools the child attended, number of siblings, if there were awards he or she got from previous levels, address, contact number of the parent or guardian and more information that are to be filled by the guardian. An option will be given to the parent or guardian if the transaction of payment would be a full payment or a partial payment every quarter and a choice to have it paid through cash or cheque. A database would be given with a maximum capacity of 300 and a number of 50 students per level. A website would be provided for the institution that would only be used for the use of the school’s advertisement, featuring the facilities of the establishment, faculty members, and history of the school and updates of happenings. The page would be the source of parents to be updated to the school’s events; when, where and what to wear. Specific events require students to wear a garment requested by the institution for uniformity. The page can also be a source and guide for parents and guardians to know the details and history about the school. Contact details would be posted and an added detail of the page is that if parents are working abroad they could send the uncompleted requirement to the email of the school with attachment of the requirements. The Facebook page of the institution is also posted to the website and could be directed to the page created by the faculty members of the school. Statement of Objective Website and Enrollment System is a program extended to Mabalacat Christian Academy, a program that would make the transactions of requirements and documents, and also help about the school’s reputation about the improvement of its ways. It could solve the problems of the school since it started; the system only solves the problem of the school paperworks and will lessen the space of the documented files. The System is a program that would make the process of filing student information faster and easier to save for the school. The enrollment system’s purpose is to give a database for the files of students, a maximum of 300 files for the whole institution and an easier way of searching student files. A transaction that would make the access of information system easier for the authorized people, a faster accessibility in information provided and an improved process; the admission and acceptance of enrolees would be faster for the completion of forms would not be difficult for teachers to save and keep. The Website will inform the parents of the situations, cancellation of classes, school events, PTA meeting schedules, examination dates and payment dues. An account will be given to the principal or school head to access the student accounts and website if changes are to be made, the account given to the principal can also be used to check the number of students enrolled and to what level they are assigned to Importance of the Study The Compfuturist created a system only from Pre-School to Elementary levels and for an institution with one section per level, the system subjects only to the enrollment, saving and filing of documents and the postage of contact details of the institution. The use of the program is to lessen the burden of alphabetizing envelopes for each level and student, it also makes the search of a student file faster compared to the manual based of searching through metal drawers. A database that would show and save documents for specific purposes and privacy of files will be kept and safe from others to see. Only the Principal and the appointed faculty or member of the institution could access the information system of the database provided by the system. The institution would benefit from the free system that could be used for years and less updates of program would be given for the system is only for the use of Mabalacat Christian Academy. Parents and students would also benefit from it because information given from the old students will not be inputted again but be moved to the folder that consists of the level he or she is. The editing and adding of details is convenient even to those people who are not good in using computers. Less stressing and easier to use, is the way that the program or system offers to its benefactors. Radio buttons, scroll bars and more features of the program and website would be given to lessen the difficulty that some encounters in web pages and softwares. A free ten (10) months of maintenance is given for the institution and would make things better compared to the existing manual system.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Engineering Products Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Engineering Products Case Study - Essay Example 443-444). 1. EP is a British engineering firm. It is a first-tier supplier mainly of automotive components, with production and sales divisions located in the UK, Continental Europe (mainly France, Germany and Spain), North America, and other parts of the world. More than two-thirds of its workforce is in Continental Europe, which also accounts for nearly half of worldwide sales. 2. Customers, which comprise the multinational final produces for cards, demand a standardized product and have sought to standardise their methods of production through the sharing of â€Å"best practices†. 4. While generally the local company supplies local customers, Headquarters has taken a greater role in making decisions about sourcing, even entailing moving production from one country to another. The movement involves not only volumes but also manufacturing processes, thus encouraging greater coordination of manufacturing processes among the local companies. a. A performance-related-pay (PRP) package was implemented among the division’s plants, but local circumstances such that there were inequities in the measures of performance, the proportion of the workforce covered and the amount of their pay subject to performance measures; and c. International integration heightened internal competition among plants. One advantage is that afforded upward mobility to managers from all countries, and has abolished limits for promotions to within particular countries. However, it also engendered coercive comparisons among plants, reducing the bargaining power of employees, at times with the specific threat of closure. Environments and Operations (2004, p. 452), centralization for decision making and, thus, standardization, is determined by the pressure for global integration as against the pressure for responsiveness to local conditions. EP manufactures mainly

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) - Essay Example ized by high rates of unemployment and the effect of market liberation which has borne the SMEs has helped reduce the levels of unemployment in developing countries and steered economic development. SMEs have been instrumental in job creation to developing countries in the process of structural adjustment. Primarily, SMEs are labor intensive and this helps in alleviating unemployment burdens on the shoulder of the civilians and absorbing new job entrants into jobs. The trend in the developed countries indicates that there is a weakened job creation by economic growth as the industrial structure of domestic economy matures (Wang and Redmond, 2007). This leaves the government policy makers of each government short of ideas about the urgency to search for policies of job generation. In this case, small and medium businesses have been seen as a perfect criterion in which new jobs are created. Researchers have found that, for example, small plants and firms have been the primary source of employment in the United States. Baldwin and Picot found that the net job creation in Canada by the small enterprises was more than those created by large enterprises. It is very clear that SMEs play an important role in job creation and have arguably created more job chances than the large enterprises and this makes them very important in any economy (Ayyagari and Demirguc- Kunt, 2005). SMEs dominate many sectors in a contemporary commerce such as retailing, service industry and construction. This involvement in these sectors avails a crucial link; both backward and forward, in the chain of supply especially in the larges-scale capital intensive industries such as automotive, mining, marine, defense and the likes. Further, their presence in the market provides an important balance to industries and many marketplaces that would otherwise have been firmly occupied by the few large-scale practitioners. This competitive structural balance is also vital in the provision of employment to

Medea's Choices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Medea's Choices - Essay Example However, in the foreign land of the Corinthians, Jason fails to rise to her expectation and banishes her on behalf of Glauce, the daughter of the ruler of Corinth, Creon. This betrayal by Jason completely affects Media’s choice of action and the play turns to narrate the plot of the jealousy and revenge of the character betrayed by her husband. It is most relatable here that the quarrel between Jason and Medea is the heart of the play by Euripides and the following actions by the husband along with the sense of strangeness among the Corinthians forced Medea take the ultimate revenge upon Jason. As Denys Page puts it, â€Å"Jason forsook Medea; Media killed his bride, his children, and his bride’s father.† (Page, xxi) In fact, it is the feeling of a stranger in the character of Medea which basically causes her subsequent actions and this feeling in the character was reinforced by the realization that her husband is has become an insider by way of marrying Glauce. Jason’s marriage to the Corinthian princess now makes him an insider which confronts Medea’s sense of outsider in the land of the Corinthians. Therefore, the fundamental factor contributing to Medea’s choice of action in killing Jason’s children, his bride and her father is her realization that she is a stranger among the Corinthians along with the fact that Jason will turn to be an insider in the land by marrying the Corinthian princess. The central action of the play by Euripides is the conflict between Jason and Medea which makes the husband an insider to Corinth and makes the wife remain a stranger to the land. Jason’s marriage to the Corinthian princess Glauce brings about a tragic situation to Medea who is left alone in a land of the strangers. She trusted Jason completely to leave everything she kept close to her heart. However, she comes to face a frustrating situation in Corinth where she feels a stranger when

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Womens equality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Womens equality - Assignment Example These paths lead people to make some of their ethical choices based on dissimilar ethical criteria. This paper looks at the feminist philosophical view in the determination of some discriminative concepts. According to Hutchings (2007), feminism is an ethical tradition that examines some of the gender relations of power, which are tied to societal moral codes. The moral codes exist in the feminist global ethic, which occur through the division of feminist thoughts into normative traditional that include care feminism, enlightenment feminism and post-colonial feminism. Despite the categorizations, it is possible to determine that feminists might differ in their understanding and interpretations of the manner in which women are oppressed in the society. However, the foundation of their arguments is based on women’s experience (Hutchings, 2007). For this reason, most of the feminists might argue that historically, not so many people consider a woman’s point of view. This means that men form the different communities, philosophies, religion, moral theory constructs and sciences for fellow men, as well as for the fulfillment of the male interests. In order to evaluate the nature of sexist ethics, the basic requirement would be to develop an understanding of the same. The basic understanding of the sexist ethics is that it is a moral theory that exhibits fundamental biases towards interests of a single gender. Most of the feminists believe that it is possible to consider the major moral theories as sexist since they exhibit biases towards the point of view of the male gender and their development seeks to fulfill male interests. However, an individual might argue that utilitarian and deontological theories are not sexist in nature, given their positions on the moral obligations of human beings. Utilitarianism, which is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

When writing and reading Children's literature, can it be just for Essay

When writing and reading Children's literature, can it be just for pleasure or does the text have to have a teaching element - Essay Example Yet a good piece of literature will have universal themes that will appeal to children and adults, and will teach more than just developmental skills. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a premier example of this principle. It is a piece of literature that is children's literature in that it is accessible to young children but not in the sense that it is exclusively for young children, it teaches not only vocabulary but also mythology and ethics, and it is excellently written. Jon Sciezska, author of stories like The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, argues that many of the approaches of educators in the West has been misleading or wrong (Zastrow, 2008). â€Å"I would say just to let kids play around, and let them play around with reading† (Zastrow, 2008). Everything that a child interacts with is educational: Every experience, every tree, every song, every book, will have indelible impacts that may resonate for their whole lives in ways no adult can predict. â€Å"Edu cational† children's literature, then, isn't different because it teaches something; rather, it's different because it teaches particular things and sets out to teach those things, like civics, morals, values, good social behavior, math, grammar, colors, shapes, etc. There is nothing wrong with this kind of literature. But it's not the only kind of literature children should read, any more than adults should only read newspapers and journal articles. Sciezska recommends that â€Å"Reading shouldn't be a bitter pill† and that children should have choices in what they read (Zastrow, 2008). There are few choices more apt for children than Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The book is not an educational book: It is magical fantasy, pure and simple. It begins with a Cinderella dream: Child growing up among cruel step-parents with arbitrary step-siblings is revealed to have a special destiny. But the book actually is filled with all sorts of educational elements nonet heless. By not being specifically â€Å"educational†, it is actually able to have fully-fledged themes and elements that lead children away from the simple grammar school progression and towards advanced life skills that will pay off for the months, years and decades to come. The composition of Rowling's work is itself highly educational. Children learn all sorts of vocabulary from the book, and not just vocabulary of magical phenomena but of a far broader nature. But it's not just vocabulary: Children pick that up constantly, from the telly to conversations to the schoolyard. What the book teaches is how to write. Children reading Harry Potter learn accessible techniques of description, sentence construction, suspense, comparing and contrasting, etc. It is true that children could also learn how to write from Mark Twain or Plato, but Harry Potter uses modern elements, modern themes and appeals to modern needs. It uses contemporary language that British, Scottish, Welsh, Iris h and Yank children can understand. This paper focuses on Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone because, being the first book, it has the least adult themes, is the least likely to scare children (though the image of Voldemort growing out of the back of Quirrel is fairly grotesque) and has the simplest plot and language, but all the books are quite valuable for young readers. In particular, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as well as the other books in the series teach good narrative structure. The books have an element of the mystery novel to them: The reader is told clues that allow them to piece things together. In fact, fans accurately guessed

Monday, September 23, 2019

Law of Contract, Assignment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Law of Contract, Assignment - Case Study Example This does not mean that there must be an exact subjective matching of the internal thoughts of the two parties. What the law looks for is outward evidence of what the parties agreed or what has been termed the 'external indicia of agreement'.1 This means that even if the parties did not have the same agreement in mind, if their actions, from an objective standpoint could be said to demonstrate an agreement, then a contract has been formed.2 This follows the sensible approach that 'commercial contracts cannot be arranged by what people think in their inmost minds. Commercial contracts are made according to what people say'3 What this means for our problem question is that, while searching for the consensus in idem between Riz and Jatinder, we look at how they acted in the above negotiations. To form a contract, all you need to identify is an offer and an unqualified acceptance of it. The question here is whether the advertisement in the magazine constituted an offer. Offers may be express such as 'I'll give you 50 for that skirt', or they can be implied such as hading over the fare as you get on the bus. In both cases it is open for the offeree to accept the offer. This will conclude the contract. However, despite the ease of making offers or implied offers, some actions will not form offers at all but merely invitations to treat. An invitation to treat may look like an offer but if you look closely, there has not been agreement on the essential factors of the contract, there has just been some words passed that would entice or make it easier for the other party to make a suitable offer. For example, in Harvey v Facey4 one party asked the other what would be the lowest cash price they would be willing to sell a property in Jamaica. The other party replied that it would be 900. The first party then telegraphed them 'We agree to buy BHP for 900 asked by you'. The owners argued that they had never offered to sell the property and the agreed with this. It is also generally accepted that advertisements and announcements to the public at large are not intended to be offers but merely invitations to treat. This is for the simple practical reason that if too many people responded to the advertisement, the advertiser could be placed in a position of breaching limitless contracts. Therefore, unless words specifically forming a contract are used, an advertisement will be deemed to be an invitation to treat and not an offer.5 b. Riz's offer of 5,000 When Riz saw the advertisement he called Jatinder on the phone and offered her 5,000 for the car.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Soft Drinks India Essay Example for Free

Soft Drinks India Essay According to the ‘Product Insights: Soft Drinks in India’ report, The global soft drinks market grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3. 45% from 2005 to 2009 and was valued at $494. 5 billion in 2009. New product launches in the global soft drinks market increased by 8. 59% in 2009. The US was the top country by retail sales as well as by number of new product launches, followed by Japan which ranked second in both categories. Globally, India ranked 25th in terms of retail sales and 13th in terms of the number of new product launches in the soft drinks market in 2009. In spite of India’s huge population and the fact that around 47% of the population is composed of persons below 30 years of age, the per-capita consumption of soft drinks in India remains very low, at approximately at 5. 2 liters against the world average of nearly 85. 22 liters. Developed countries such as the US, Germany, Italy and Spain all have per-capita consumption in the range of 280-400 liters, showcasing the huge potential for market growth in India. Coca-Cola remains the market leader in the carbonates category with a market share of more than 60% in the Indian market, followed by Pepsi with around 35%. In the bottled water category, Parle’s Bisleri and Kinley from Coca-Cola are the leading players. The packaged juices market in India continues to be dominated by Maaza and Frooti, followed by brands such as Slice, Tropicana and Real which have registered good growths in their market shares in the past few years. Red Bull with its strong dominance of the energy drinks’ category, which is the largest segment in the functional drinks category, is the market leader in the functional drinks market. Considering the overall development of the Indian soft drinks market, a comparison can be drawn between various soft drink categories based on the major consumer segment for each category using age and economic status as the two judging criterion. For instance, while carbonates are consumed by consumers from almost all economic segments and ages in the India, considering the various packaging sizes and price points for these products, segments such as energy drinks and sports drinks are mainly consumed in the age group of around 24 years who are on the higher side in terms of economic status, i.e. working executives and the affluent class. Based on these trends, a comparison chart can be drawn between the different soft drink categories in India as given below: 60 years Juices 40 years Carbonate Nutraceutic al Drinks Carbonate X-Axis: Consumer Economic Segment Y-Axis: Consumer Age Group Juices 24 years Carbonate 15 years Middle Working Executives/Upper Middle Class Energy Drinks and Sports Drinks Affluent. Current Situation: According to the ‘Product Insights: Soft Drinks in India’ report from Datamonitor, With improving literacy rates, consumers have become increasingly aware of health and fitnessrelated issues. Additionally, due to greater disposable incomes, particularly in urban areas, consumers are seeking healthier beverages even if they are relatively more expensive, due to their positioning. Raising awareness levels with regard to obesity and other weight related health issues in the last decade, especially amongst teenagers and young adults, has helped push sales of non-carbonates. Sales of noncarbonated drinks also got a boost from the pesticide controversy which led some consumers to switch loyalties from carbonates to juices, functional drinks etc. Products such as Juice are now fast becoming as an essential part of breakfast table with urban families. Leading beverage corporations such as Cocacola and PepsiCo have identified this trend and are adopting strategies to benefit from this development. Previously, product strategy of these large corporations was largely Cola based; given that a large part of their product volumes would come from the carbonates segment. However, in the last few years, with the strong growth in the non-carbonate sector and tapering of growth within the cola segment companies such as PepsiCo have announced plans of moving towards a well diversified portfolio by increasing the volume share of other soft drink segments including juices, functional drinks and other products with health benefits etc. This is evident from the strong marketing campaigns which preceded the launch of brands such as Tropicana and Minute Maid. Growing consumer awareness about the harmful effects of artificial ingredients in food and beverages has fueled the demand for ‘natural’ or ‘free from’ products over the last few years. According to Datamonitor’s latest consumer survey, 62% of respondents globally are influenced by the claims of ‘no artificial additives including colors, flavorings and preservatives’ when making food and beverage choices. The survey further reveals that the ‘natural/organic’ claim influences the major proportion of consumers in developing countries like Brazil and China, and a significant proportion in developed economies like the US and the UK. In line with the trends as reflected in the report, several new brands such as Nimbooz, Minute Maid Nimbu Fresh, and Cocojal (from Jain Agro) have been launched in the past few years in the Indian market. These recent entrants have used the ‘natural’ claim to market their product with consumers, with products being modeled on traditional Indian drinks. For instance, Nimbooz is based on the traditional lemon drink consumed in homes and the ads reflect the natural flavors and the ‘homemade like’ taste of the product. Product Launches/Marketing Strategies: As per the ‘Product Insights: Soft Drinks in India’ report from Datamonitor, US, followed by Japan were the top countries in terms of new product launches as well as by market value. India was ranked 13th by new product launches and 25th by market value. India had the third highest percentage growth (11%) in global soft drinks market in 2009 in terms of value. The figure below depicts the top 10 countries based on number of new products launched in the soft drinks market in 2009. Figure 1: 2009 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% % contribution 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Top 10 countries based on number of new soft drinks product launches, Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5 Rank 6 Rank 7 Rank 8 Rank 9 Rank 10 US Japan China UK Germany Russia France Canada Italy Brazil Rank 13 India Source: Datamonitor’s Product Launch Analytics DATAMONITOR In addition to health related product launches, manufacturers are also using innovative marketing strategies to reach out to a larger consumer base. For example, Real juices used Disney characters for the promotion of its fruit juices amongst school going kids. Booster Juice, an international company which manufactures smoothies has used an innovative marketing initiative by signing the only Indian ‘Ultraman’ athlete (Ultraman is a title conferred for completion of a combination of high endurance athletic events such as long-distance triathlon etc. ), Anu Vaidyanathan as its brand ambassador for its smoothies promoting the importance of nutrition and fitness through its brands. Similarly, Dabur has signed Zaheer Khan, a leading Indian cricketer as the brand ambassador for its energy drink brand, Dabur Glucose. Coca-Cola in its recent Ad campaign used a traditional Indian art form, Warli to capture the mood of the festive season of Diwali. It also has several marketing initiatives such as offers of free home trips to participants from any part of the country etc. Considering that the soft drinks sector in India is seasonal and sales pick up a bit after during the festive season, most players in the market are actively campaigning to capture this demand. On-Trade: Apart from the retail market, foodservice or on-trade sector appears to be another lucrative avenue for manufacturers to cash in on the growing demand for soft drinks in India. Segments such as carbonates, energy drinks, bottled water etc. already enjoy a high share from the on-trade segment. However, for categories such as juice, which is in its nascent stage in the country, the on-trade sector promises a huge potential for growth. The juice bar model is similar to the cafe outlets such as Barista and Coffee Day chains and these enterprises aim to replicate the success of the latter to provide a healthier alternative. Figure consciousness being the latest fad, these juice bars appears to be the ideal place to visit after a grueling work-out at the gym for students and executives. This model is already a big hit in the western markets with players such as ‘Jamba Juice’ and ‘Smoothie King’ garnering good volumes in the US market. Currently, places with large footfalls such as shopping malls, office complexes and convention centers have juice bar joints in India. Apart from these, there are a few independent juice bar chains that are coming up in different parts of the country. Retail outlets such as ‘Amorettos’ in Delhi, ‘HAS Juice bar’ in Mumbai and ‘Bloom Juices’ in Mohali and multinational chains such as ‘New Zealand Naturals’ fall under the juice bar category. Apart from offering the regular fresh fruit juices, these outlets also offer exotic options such as ‘Fresh Wheat Grass’, ‘Fat Free Smoothies’ and ayurvedic herb based natural fruit juices in their menu. The benefits with each of these different juices are clearly explained so that the customers have greater awareness about the ideal juices for themselves. Similarly, other categories such as RTD teas, coffees etc. can be a hit with consumers in the on-trade sector. While the foodservice establishments offer the advantage of more information and hygienic conditions they are still far behind when it comes to price competition with the unorganized sector outlets such as road side juice shops. The price in these outlets as compared to the unorganized sector for a product like juice is higher by 3-4 times. This becomes a critical factor for the success amongst the price conscious Indian consumers. This sector has to come up with initiatives which increase awareness levels amongst consumers regarding the health benefits etc. offered through their products in order to gain acceptance in the Indian market. ENDS – This is based on Datamonitor’s analysis and inputs from Datamonitor’s latest report ‘Soft drinks in India. ’ For further information on this title, please contact Aartee Sundheep on +91 40 6672 9586 or [emailprotected] com.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: An Overview

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: An Overview Jennifer Beardsley Abstract Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a devastating interstitial lung disease that has no cure. The term fibrosis refers to scarring, in IPF particularly the scarring of the lungs. The scarring causes irreversible destruction and progressive decline of the lungs. When the tissue thickens, the lungs cannot properly exchange oxygen. The term idiopathic, in medicine, means that the origin of the disease is unknown. The exact cause of IPF is unknown, however, certain risk factors such as smoking, exposure to inhaled toxins such as asbestos, lung injury, viral, and bacterial infections, acid reflux and genetics associated with the disease. IPF mainly affects people ages 50 and up. â€Å"Many people live only about 3 to 5 years after diagnosis. The most common cause of death related to IPF is respiratory failure† (â€Å"What Is Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis? NHLBI, NIH,† n.d.). â€Å"40,000 people die each year to IPF, the same as to breast cancer† (â€Å"Facts Abou t Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis | Coalition For Pulmonary FibrosisCoalition For Pulmonary Fibrosis,† n.d.), yet IPF is still an unknown disease to many people. This paper will discuss the risk factors, disease process, complications, management, and new drug therapy clinical trials. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: An Overview Etiology Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis first started to become recognizable around the late 1800’s (Noble Homer, 2005). While currently the exact cause is unknown, there have been several risk factors that are recognized to contribute to the disease. As mentioned above, smoking, exposure to inhaled toxins such as asbestos, lung injury, viral and bacterial infections, acid reflux and genetics are associated with the disease (Noble Homer, 2005). Smoking accelerates the loss of lung function by destroying the cilia inhibiting the lungs natural ability to clean and repair itself (Oh, Murray, Molfino, 2012). Smoking also damages alveoli, causing poor gas exchange. The chemicals in cigarettes contribute to lung decline and disease and coat the lungs with tar and toxins (Oh et al., 2012). Inhaled substance and toxins such as asbestos are hypothesized to increase IPF probability (Meltzer Noble, 2008). When toxins invade the lungs, they interfere with the alveoli gas exchange process (Meltzer Noble, 2008). Lung injury can cause permanent damage. Acute lung injury has been hypothesized to accelerate an underlying progression of IPF. When cells of the lungs are damaged, it can be irreversible (Kottmann, Hogan, Phipps, Sime, 2009). Viral and bacterial infections cause a build of mucus in the lungs. When the alveoli get clogged they cannot properly exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Each infection acquired can cause more damage and can lead to permanent damage. When the lungs lose their ability to exchange gas, oxygen is inhibited from reaching the body’s vital organs (Kottmann et al., 2009). GER, commonly known as acid reflux, occurs when acid is aspired into the esophagus. â€Å"Researchers have found that 9 out of 10 people who have IPF also have gastroesophageal reflux disease† (â€Å"What Causes Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis? NHLBI, NIH,† n.d.) Recent research has found that genetics may play an important role in the risk factor of developing IPF. â€Å"Over the past decade, one aspect that has held great promise in helping the medical community to better define the pathogenesis of IPF is the recognition that genetic factors may play a role in this disease† (Lawson, Loyd, Degryse, 2011). Pathophysiology The cause of IPF is unknown. Despite considerable advancement in understanding the progression of IPF, the knowledge of the beginning stages of IPF re still inadequately understood (Noble Homer, 2005). Originally, in the 1970’s, it was thought that inflammation of the alveoli was the cause (Noble Homer, 2005). It was believed that untreated inflammation leads to the scarring of the lungs. Anti-inflammatory and corticosteroids were widely used to treat the inflammation. However, those therapies have proven ineffective, making it evident that inflammation was not the cause (Dempsey, Kerr, Gomersall, Remmen, Currie, 2006). The second theory that came about in the 1980’s suggesting growth termed â€Å"alveolar macrophage-derived growth factor† (Noble Homer, 2005). Known as the ‘growth factor hypothesis’, it is believed that abnormal healing of trauma within the lungs exaggerates the response and growth of profibrogenic causing the scarring of IPF (Noble Homer, 2005). This theory still proves to be a highly important discovery in the pathophysiology of IPF (Dempsey et al., 2006). A third theory also came out of the 1980’s, known as the epithelial-mesenchymal hypothesis, suggests that tissue death of alveolar epithelial cells can lead to alveolar collapse (Noble Homer, 2005). The epithelial- mesenchymal cell conversion can alter and change motility and the ability to heal. â€Å"Imbalance of the normal homeostatic microenvironment might be, per se, a cause of fibroblast proliferation and myofibroblast differentiation leading to fibrosis† (Prunotto et al., 2012). Clinical Manifestation According to the Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis, â€Å"Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive and generally fatal disease characterized by scarring of the lungs that thickens the lining of the lungs, causing an irreversible loss of the tissue’s ability to transport oxygen. IPF ultimately robs a patient of the ability to breathe†(â€Å"Facts About Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis | Coalition For Pulmonary Fibrosis,† n.d.). IPF usually occurs in older adults in their 50’s or 60’s, and tends to occur more in men than in women (Lawson, Loyd, Degryse, 2011). According to the Coalition For Pulmonary Fibrosis, IPF affects about 128,100 people in the United States, with 48,000 new cases diagnosed annually (â€Å"Facts About Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis | Coalition For Pulmonary Fibrosis,† n.d.). â€Å"IPF has been reported to occur throughout the world in many different racial and ethnic groups. Studies in the United States have sugge sted that Caucasians are more likely to be diagnosed with IPF and have higher mortality rates from IPF than African Americans. It is unclear if these findings are due to real differences in racial characteristics or to an under-diagnosis of this condition in minority populations† (Siegel, 2011). IPF symptoms develop over time and usually are not diagnosed until serious damage has already been done to the lungs (â€Å"What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis? NHLBI, NIH,† n.d.). Patients are often misdiagnosed with diseases that present similar symptoms such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (â€Å"Facts About Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis | Coalition For Pulmonary Fibrosis,† n.d.). Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis usually present gradually with a nonproductive cough and dyspnea. (Hyzy, Huang, Myers, Flaherty, Martinez, 2007). The main symptom patients complain of being shortness of breath (Noble Homer, 2005). Other common symptoms include: â€Å"dry, hacking cough; rapid, shallow breathing; gradual, unintended weight loss; Fatigue (tiredness) or malaise (a general feeling of being unwell); clubbing, which is the widening and rounding of the tips of the fingers and toes† (â€Å"What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis? NHLBI, NIH,† n.d.). The gold standard for diagnosis of patients with IPF is a surgical lung biopsy (SLB), however critical risk for these patients usually prevent a high-risk surgical procedure (Kaarteenaho, 2013). â€Å"The mortality, which can occur shortly after the procedure, has probably been the major reason to refrain from performing SLB† (Kaarteenaho, 2013). With that in mind, diagnosis of IPF includes clinical, radiologic and histopathologic aspects (Wolters, Collard, Jones, 2014). The American Thoracic Society states, â€Å"in the absence of a definitive lung biopsy, the presence of all four major criteria and three minor criteria, as set forth in the current guidelines, increases the likelihood of a correct diagnosis of IPF: Major Criteria †¢Exclusion of other known causes of interstitial lung diseases, such as certain drug toxicities, environmental exposures, and connective tissue diseases †¢Abnormal pulmonary function studies that include evidence of restriction (reduced vital capacity often with an increased FEV:FVC ratio) and impaired gas exchange (increased AaPO2 with rest or exercise or decreased DLCO) †¢HRCT scan showing bibasilar reticular abnormalities with minimal ground-glass opacities †¢Transbronchial lung biopsy or BAL showing no features to support another diagnosis Minor Criteria †¢Age >50 years †¢Insidious onset of otherwise unexplained dyspnea on exertion †¢Duration of illness greater than or equal to 3 months †¢Bibasilar inspiratory crackles (dry or â€Å"Velcro-like† in quality)† (Raghu et al., 2011). The physical assessment is an important part of diagnosis, however, symptoms can mimic other diseases and make it hard to differentiate (Meltzer Noble, 2008). Attention should be paid to key risk factors such as work related inhaled chemical exposure and smoking. Fine inspiratory â€Å"Velcro-like† crackles can be heard upon examination and advance towards the upper airway as the disease progresses (Meltzer Noble, 2008).Clubbing of the fingers and toes is found in 50% of patients (Meltzer Noble, 2008). Lab results are often inconclusive to IPF, but as part of a puzzle can help to identify the disease. An ABG will more than likely read normal (Meltzer Noble, 2008). The pulmonary function test (PFT) can lend valuable information to diagnosing IPF. While IPF is a restrictive disease, it can often imitate obstructive disorders or congestive heart failure (CHF) (Meltzer Noble, 2008). â€Å"Routine spirometry reveals decreased measures of forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). The ratio of FEV1/FVC remains normal (or increased) in IPF, consistent with restrictive physiology† (Meltzer Noble, 2008). Subsequently, the PFT can also reveal reduced TLC, RC, and RV. Reduced gas transfer may also be noted with a DLCO (Meltzer Noble, 2008). Almost every patient with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis will have abnormal radiological findings (Meltzer Noble, 2008). The imaging modality of choice in diagnosing IPF is High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) (Hospenthal, 2006). â€Å"Patchy, predominantly peripheral, subpleural, bibasal reticular opacities, often associated with traction bronchiectasis† (Harari Caminati, 2005). A phenomenon referred to as honeycombing is a prevalent finding in IPF, seen below is figure 3. Figure 1: Chest radiograph of a patient with IPF. Chest radiograph reveals peripheral, subpleural reticular opacities, most profuse at the lung bases (Harari Caminati, 2005). Figure 2: Chest HRCT in a patient with IPF. HRCT shows patchy, predominantly peripheral, subpleural, bibasal reticular abnormalities, traction bronchiectasis and bronchiolectasis and irregular septal thickening. There is also ground glass (Harari Caminati, 2005). Figure 3: Chest HRCT in a patient with IPF. HRCT shows predominantly peripheral and subpleural fibrosis with honeycombing (Harari Caminati, 2005). Complications Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a highly progressive disease. Because the tissues in the lungs are scarred, they cannot properly exchange gas and the low amount of oxygen delivered to the body causes several complications and puts strain on the right side of the heart. According to the America Thoracic Society, â€Å"There is an increasing awareness of complications and comorbid conditions frequently associated with IPF† (Raghu et al., 2011). Some of the most common complications are: Pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, respiratory failure and lung cancer (Daniels, Yi, Ryu, 2008). Depression is also often seen in people with IPF because of its devastating prognosis (â€Å"Living With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis NHLBI, NIH,† n.d.). Acute exacerbations (unexplained worsening of dyspnea) of IPF represent the most destructive and deadly complication (Raghu et al., 2011). â€Å"It is presently unclear if acute exacerbation of IPF is simply a manifestation of an unid entified respiratory complication (such as pulmonary emboli, infection) contributing to an acute worsening in a patient with IPF or represents an inherent acceleration in the pathobiological processes involved in IPF† (Raghu et al., 2011). Medical Management There is currently not a cure for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (â€Å"What Is Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis? NHLBI, NIH,† n.d.). Until recently, primary methods of management have been anti-inflammatories and lung transplants (Dempsey, Kerr, Gomersall, Remmen, Currie, 2006). While Anti-inflammatory are still used today it is not due to the effectiveness of treatment, but lack thereof for alternatives (Dempsey et al., 2006).â€Å"Immunosuppressive or cytotoxic agents are used among steroid nonresponders, patients experiencing serious adverse effects from corticosteroids, and patients at high risk for corticosteroid complications† (Harari Caminati, 2005). â€Å"Single-lung transplantation results in an actuarial survival of 73% at 1 year and 57% at 3 years† (Harari Caminati, 2005). Unfortunately, most patients are not eligible for transplant due to age or comorbidity factors (Harari Caminati, 2005). In the spring of 2014 the FDA announced two new drugs for the management of IPF (â€Å"CPF Celebrates Historic Year of Progress in Pulmonary Fibrosis | Coalition For Pulmonary Fibrosis Coalition For Pulmonary Fibrosis,† n.d.). Ofev (nintedanib) and Esbriet (pirfenidone) were both shown to slow the progress of IPF in clinical trials. â€Å"Pirfenidone is a transforming growth factor-beta inhibitor and tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor† (Gohil, 2015). Ofev is a â€Å"fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) antagonist, platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) antagonist, and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) antagonist† (Gohil, 2015). The two treatments are still in the early stages with little known about their effectiveness. Prognosis Prognosis for IPF is dim. It is a fatal disease (Meltzer Noble, 2008). The median survival rate is 3 years after diagnosis (Peljto et al., 2013). Factors associated with â€Å"shortened survival time include: older age, smoking history, lower body mass index (BMI), more severe physiologic impairment, greater radiologic extent of disease, and the development of other complications or conditions, in particular, pulmonary hypertension, emphysema, and bronchogenic cancer† (Ley, Collard, King, 2011). Clinical Trials During the past decade, there has been a notable amount of research into the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. IPF is no longer believed to be due to inflammation, but multiple injuries with atypical cell repair. According to The Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis, â€Å"there are many therapies under investigation in clinical trials that include: †¢Antifibrotic or antifibrogenic agents (such as Pirfenidone, interferon and certain blood-pressure-lowering medications) to suppress the scarring process †¢Antioxidants (such as N-acetylcysteine) to prevent damage to lung tissue †¢Monoclonal antibodies to inhibit â€Å"bad† cytokines (protein growth factors, such as TGF-beta, TNF-Alpha, or CTGF, that activate inflammation)† (â€Å"Active Clinical Trials and Investigational Research in IPF | Coalition For Pulmonary FibrosisCoalition For Pulmonary Fibrosis,† n.d.). References Active Clinical Trials and Investigational Research in IPF | Coalition For Pulmonary FibrosisCoalition For Pulmonary Fibrosis. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2015, from Facts About Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis | Coalition For Pulmonary FibrosisCoalition For Pulmonary Fibrosis. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2015, from Hospenthal. (2006). Diagnosis and management of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Implications for respiratory care. Respir Care, 51, 382–391. Retrieved from Hyzy, R., Huang, S., Myers, J., Flaherty, K., Martinez, F. (2007). Acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Chest, 132, 1652–1658. doi:10.1378/chest.07-0299 Kaarteenaho, R. (2013). The current position of surgical lung biopsy in the diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Respiratory Research, 14, 43. doi:10.1186/1465-9921-14-43 Lawson, W. E., Loyd, J. E., Degryse, A. L. (2011). Genetics in pulmonary fibrosisfamilial cases provide clues to the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 341(6), 439–43. doi:10.1097/MAJ.0b013e31821a9d7a Ley, B., Collard, H. R., King, T. E. (2011). Clinical course and prediction of survival in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 183(3), 431–440. doi:10.1164/rccm.201006-0894CI Meltzer, E. B., Noble, P. W. (2008). Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 3, 8. doi:10.1186/1750-1172-3-8 Noble, P. W., Homer, R. J. (2005). Back to the future: Historical perspective on the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 33(8), 113–120. doi:10.1165/rcmb.F301 Peljto, A. L., Zhang, Y., Fingerlin, T. E., Ma, S.-F., Garcia, J. G. N., Richards, T. J., †¦ Schwartz, D. A. (2013). Association between the MUC5B promoter polymorphism and survival in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. JAMA, 309(21), 2232–9. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.5827 Raghu, G., Collard, H. R., Egan, J. J., Martinez, F. J., Behr, J., Brown, K. K., †¦ Schà ¼nemann, H. J. (2011). An Official ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT Statement: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Evidence-based guidelines for diagnosis and management. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 183, 788–824. doi:10.1164/rccm.2009-040GL Siegel, M. D. (2011). Breathing in America: Diseases, Prognosis, and Hope. Critical Care Medicine, 39, 1857. doi:10.1097/CCM.0b013e31821b1e92 What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis? NHLBI, NIH. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2015, from What Is Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis? NHLBI, NIH. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2015, from Wolters, P. J., Collard, H. R., Jones, K. D. (2014). Pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Annual Review of Pathology, 9, 157–79. doi:10.1146/annurev-pathol-012513-104706

Friday, September 20, 2019

Approaches to Health Inequalities

Approaches to Health Inequalities HEALTH INEQUALITIES AND SOCIAL DIVISIONS Introduction Today, it seems to be an obvious truth that â€Å"social and environmental factors account for a substantial portion of health inequalities between and within countries.†[1] The ubiquitous nature of economic and social inequalities is noted by all scholars.[2] This is a truth that seems well-enough established both in the professional literature and in the consciences of the laity. The questions that occupy scholars’ time, therefore, have centrally to do with what might be done about such health inequalities and whether social divisions are more the causal origins of the inequalities or whether they are the result.[3] As the literature reflects an ongoing investigation into all the matters addressed within this paper, definitive conclusions will have to wait until more is positively settled by the broader research community. But, certainly several pertinent issues can be explored at this time and the ongoing questions raised. The Realities of Inequality, Poverty and Societal Issues As is widely acknowledged, there is a relation between relative poverty and social issues. Regarding social ways in which it is difficult for those in relative poverty to be like others around them, it is often found to be difficult for an impoverished person to â€Å"participate fully in the social life of a community or country,† which will often lead to feelings of powerlessness.[4] Such social issues lead naturally into considerations of health inequality, as those who are impoverished often experience a great lack in education and access to resources normally available to those who are not in a state of relative poverty (e.g., healthcare, clean water, good nutrition, shelter, etc.).[5] It has also been noted that these types of relative health inequalities (i.e., between social groups) may be getting worse.[6] Health Inequalities There are at least two ways in which the discussion of health inequality can be broached. First, there can be shown to exist an inequality in healthfulness between classes. That is, one social group exhibits more health than does another, whatever the causal origin of this may be. Regarding the connection between a lack of healthfulness and social division, it has been noted that â€Å"A social class gradient is most pronounced for long-standing illnesses that limit activity.†[7] That is, such illnesses occur within certain social classes. Second, it is possible to explore the relation between being socially challenged and not having access to healthcare. This latter issue may be the simplest to deal with as the reasons for it are more readily seen. If one simply does not have access to that which will provide him with health, then clearly inequity between his group and those of another will be readily apparent. What Can Be Done about Access to Health? In their editorial, Jeanette Vega and Alec Irwin explore some possible responses to such health inequalities. They note that in the past there has been enacted, what might be called a â€Å"Pro-Poor† approach. This takes into account the fact that the poor often simply do not have the means in terms of finance or education to bring it about that they have access to much in the way of health resources or medicine. So, interventionist groups are formed in order to try and ensure that they have some access to medicine and health care. These types of interventionist methods are important, write the authors. But, they are inadequate by themselves. First, they only tend to focus on providing access to one type of group, and this is merely an issue of inequity in unfairness. Second, and perhaps more importantly, they do not attempt to address many of the core reasons why such inequalities arise in the first place, which include â€Å"gender and ethnicity† among other reasons.[ 8] A more comprehensive approach is both necessary and desirable in the effort to combat health inequalities. More must be done to combat the social divisions that exist, both along monetary lines and other ethnic lines.[9] There has been some progress made in a few countries, like Sweden wherein the approach has been comprehensive and on the cooperation between government agencies on high levels. Sweden has developed a national health policy that focuses on what determines health at the â€Å"societal level.† In this model, government agencies work alongside significant social sectors (e.g., education, transportation, environmental protection) and they are all required together to work toward the improving of â€Å"population health and narrowing health equity gaps.†[10] Also, in the United Kingdom recent efforts at accomplishing these same goals have seen success in targeting, not an ethnic or social group, but an age group. That is, collaborative efforts have been engag ed which have targeted mothers of children in early education and child care and have attempted to integrate these services with those of assistance to families and that of general health.[11] More to Be Done on the Research Level In a recent article Stuart Logan asked the hypothetical question of whether research was still important to be carried out in the area of child health inequality.[12] If it is obvious to all, as he argues it is, that â€Å"the relationship between poverty and poor health has been demonstrated so often and for such a wide range of conditions,† then the question naturally arises as to why any such investigative research into the relationship between socioeconomic status and child health should be carried out. Logan believes there are two important reasons that this endeavor is crucial in the overall attempt to overcome health inequalities and social divisions. First, we must continue to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves, and children are the first that come to mind in this category. Furthermore, there is simply not a â€Å"differential in health outcomes between those who are poor and those who are wealthy.†[13] Secondly, to continue such research may shed light on the crucial area of etiology, which, in medicine, is that branch that attempts to determine the causal origins of disease. An example of this latter would be the putative relation between the age of first pregnancy and the cause of breast cancer later in life.[14] Without further research, this suggestion may remain indefinitely putative. Robert Beaglehole agrees with these reasonable suggestions by Logan. Although everyone seems to know the general truth about health inequalities and a correlation with social distinctions, â€Å"an appropriate response is hampered by our poor understanding of their underlying causes.†[15] This is a difficult reality, but it only seeks to illustrate and support the contentions made by Logan with regard to the specific case of child health inequality. Without the proper amount and type of research to be done, it seems difficult to see how this situation of inequality might be improved. Without knowing the prior causes that lead to various ill effects among some social classes, there would seem to be no good way of making forward progress in this regard. Concluding Thoughts As Beaglehole notes in his book review, health inequalities are plainly offensive. They may be most offensive to those who work in the medical profession who have the know-how and skills necessary to help any and all (if they could only access any and all), but who are frustrated by a lack of governmental efforts to improve the persistent situation involving a lack of health and access to healthcare. Some steps of various governments (notably in Europe) have been taken to improve the situation, as we have explored briefly in this essay. Yet, as the writers of the brief appearing in the World Health Organization note, more strategic planning and (more importantly) implementation on the parts of governments working alongside various other national organizations may go a long way yet toward improving the overall situation of health inequality. Without significant progress in this area, it is likely that social divisions between classes, races, and ethnic groups will persist. Bibliography Beaglehole, Robert. â€Å"The Challenge of Health Inequalities† (book review) in The Lancet, London, Feb. 18-24, 206, vol. 367, issue 9510, p. 559-60. â€Å"Poverty and Health.† In Oxford Illustrated Companion to Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Logan, Stuart. â€Å"Research and Equity in Child Health.† In Pediatrics. Vol. 12, no. 3, Sept. 2003. Vega, Jeanette and Alec Irwin. â€Å"Tackling Health Inequalities: New Approaches in Public Policy.† In Bulletin of the World Health Organization (WHO), July 2004, 82 (7). 1 Footnotes [1] Jeanette Vega and Alec Irwin, â€Å"Tackling Health Inequalities: New Approaches in Public Policy,† in Bulletin of the World Health Organization (WHO), July 2004, 82 (7). [2] Robert Beaglehole, â€Å"The Challenge of Health Inequalities† (book review) in The Lancet London, Feb. 18-24, 206, vol. 367, issue 9510, p. 559-60. [3] Or a third alternative is whether they could be reciprocal-mutually contributing to the origin and subsistence of each other over time. [4] â€Å"Poverty and Health,† in Oxford Illustrated Companion to Medicine, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), pp. 665-9. [5] Ibid., p. 665. [6] Robert Beaglehole, â€Å"Health Inequalities,† p. 559. [7] â€Å"Poverty and Health,† p. 665. [8] Vega and Irwin, â€Å"Tackling Health Inequalities,† p. 7. [9] Ibid. [10] Ibid. [11] Ibid. [12] Stuart Logan, â€Å"Research and Equity in Child Health,† in Pediatrics, vol. 12, no. 3, Sept. 2003, p. 759. [13] Ibid. [14] Ibid., p. 760. [15] Beaglehole, p. 559.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Unregulated Capitalism Undermines the Legitimacy of Liberal Democracy E

Introduction In a capitalist system, businesses compete with one another to produce the most innovative merchandise at the most competitive prices; in turn, consumers freely select the most desirable products. According to Adam Smith, this competition, when left unregulated, fosters maximum wealth and the common good (Economist 2-3). Indeed, unmanaged competition may ensure prices are affordable for consumers (2). However, in a global free market that exploits cheap labour; market demand dwindles, resulting in excessive credit lending and debt crises (Li 295-6). In this way, capitalism’s efficiency and promotion of the common good is questionable. Since the resurgence of unregulated capitalism in the late 20th century, social inequalities have grown significantly, with one percent of the most powerful countries attaining more wealth than half the world (Dunklin 2). Canada’s income gap has also risen, exacerbating morbidity and mortality (Bryant 47). However, the extent that government should reduce social inequities is controversial in a liberal democracy, which prioritizes economic freedom. That being said, social inequalities may lead to wealthier individuals gaining an advantage in policy making (Bryant 54; Rein 63), undermining the liberal democratic value of political equality. Moreover, the ideal of economic freedom is shrinking in today’s global economy, which exhibits massive enterprises stifling competition and creating economic instability (Foster 2). In light of these issues, the aim of this essay is to detail how unregulated capitalism detracts from a liberal democracy by undermining political eq uality and economic freedom. Ideals of a Liberal Democracy The values of freedom and equality, which are pr... ...21-134. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete. Raphael, D., Curry-Stevens, A., & Bryant, T. (2008). Barriers to addressing the social determinants of health: Insights from the Canadian experience. Health Policy, 88, 222-235. doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2008.03.015. Reich, R. (2007). How capitalism is killing democracy. Foreign Policy, Sep/Oct2007, 38-42. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete. Rein, S. (2009). Radical politics. In J. Brodie & S. Rein (Eds.), Critical concepts: An introduction to politics (4th ed.) (pp. 60-71). Toronto, Ontario: Pearson Education Canada. Shahrokhi, M. (2011). The global financial crises of 2007-2010 and the future of capitalism. Global Finance Journal, 22, 193-210. doi: 10.1016/j.gfj.2011.10.010. Workman, T. (2010). Renewing the left in Canada. Canadian Dimension, 44(3), 49-52. Retrieved from the Canadian Reference Centre.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Capital Punishment Essays -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Capital Punishment He is escorted down to a room with handcuffs on both arms and feet. The tension in the room causes nervousness and a stirring in his stomach, which entombs his dinner from the night before. He is told to take a seat. Still in doubt of his fate he notices the witnesses and their various expressions. His family is grief-stricken, a sharp contrast to the family of the brutally murdered, for which he was found guilty of. If only they knew what he knew; for they would not be strapping him into the chair, soaking a sponge, and placing it on top of his head along with the metal skullcap. If they knew the truth there would be someone in his place today. But alas, the truth dies along with the innocent. Capital Punishment, as read in the scene above, has importance in times dating back to ancient civilizations. It’s purpose is to permanently disband those unfit to live with society. Even knowing its prominent background, in modern times there is doubt whether or not it is still necessary. Today, in the twenty-first century, there are currently 38 states with the death penalty. The other twelve have life with out parole as the maximum sentence. In the practicing states there were 66 executions carried out in 2001, 85 in 2000, and 98 in 1999. If this trend continues there will be even fewer this year. The states leading execution are Texas and Oklahoma, as of 2001. Texas carried out nearly 26% of the 66 executions and Oklahoma leads with 28%. By region; the South carries out 79% of the U.S. executions, with the Midwest at 15%, the West at 6% and the Northeast at 0%. (Death Penalty Info†¦.) The reasons why someone may be sentenced with capital punishment vary from state to state. The most common factors include first-degree murder and aggravated kidnapping. According to the poet Hyman Barshay, â€Å"The death penalty is a warning, just like a lighthouse throwing its beams out to sea. We hear about shipwrecks, but we do not hear about the ships the lighthouse guides safely on their way. We do not have proof of the number of ships it saves, but we do not tear the lighthouse down.† Barshay and other pro death penalty supporters believe that the death penalty deters would be killers. A person would be less likely to do something if he or she thinks that harm will come to them. This is basic human... ... Due to the fact that it costs more to support life with out parole, the money saved from capital punishment can be used to help society in a better way. Both sides have their point in this argument. Although many oppose capital punishment, in most states it is still active whether they believe in it or not, and are still punishable by it. It’s the choice of society to take a stance and show their opinion. Bibliography Death Penalty Information Center 29 April 2002 Press release, Death Penalty Information Center, Oct. 27, 1992 Denno, Deborah W., Is Electrocution an Unconstitutional Method of Execution? The Engineering of Death over the Century, 35 WILLIAM & MARY L. REV. 551, 664-665 (1994). Karwath, Rob & Susan Kuczka, Gacy Execution Delay Blamed on Clogged IV Tube, CHICAGO TRIB., May 11, 1994, at 1 (Metro Lake Section). Kwok, Abraham, Injection: The No-Fuss Executioner, ARIZONA REPUBLIC, Feb. 28, 1993, at 1. Pro Death Penalty 29 April 2002

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Will lowering the drinking age solve the problem

Drinking on College Campuses Beer bongs, keg stands, and a million new drinks to discover, these are what college is all about. First-year students are introduced to a whole new world of parties that last until 3 a. m. and drinking beer for the usual breakfast. The week consists of concentrating on school for about 4 days of the week and partying 3 days. The money that was supposed to go towards books and gas to get home has been hoarded for the latest beer run or was used to get into the bar. This trend is getting into the habit of drinking as you enter college; it seems the two go hand in hand.It has become a rite of passage that weaved its way into the introduction of university life (National Institute, October 2002). Those students who never drank in high school seem to think drinking is suddenly okay when they start studying for their bachelor's degree. This addition of responsibility is then balanced by the act of partying. It seems completely absurd that students choose to dr ink while investing around $20,000 a year in school. It all starts at high school graduation. Drinking is suddenly endorsed, or protested less, by parents, coaches, adults, organizations, and businesses.When seniors in high school finally graduate, it is common for a party to be thrown in their honor. Some of these parties include alcohol, and we can be pretty sure it wasn't bought by the graduate unless they flunked a few times and are of legal age. Parents, other adults, and older friends supply the liquor and beer for the underage partiers. When the graduates make the next major step in their life and head for college, they are confronted with many opportunities to get hammered, sloshed, annihilated, drunk, inebriated, intoxicated, wasted, and totally smashed.Other college students re eager to help their young, new friends out by taking them for a trip to the liquor store. Since some bars are legal to those over the age of eighteen, it's not a problem getting served there either. The 21 year-olds are conveniently stamped for minors looking to spot a potential buyer. Since a minor isn't worried about getting served, the most apparent problem is getting to the bar. One setting of this national trend can be studied locally. At Buena Vista University, these same events occur, plus additional more specific examples.At BVU, thanks to student organizations and funding from the college, there is a free ide for all. The â€Å"drunk bus† is a means of transportation supplied by the university and Student Senate, an important organization on campus. This form of transportation is common on a variety ot campuses. Visitors ot The University ot Iowa can see they have buses run all day for classes, and they continue into the night to bring students to and from the bar. The driver at Iowa even sets up a disco ball and funky lights to make the ride more enjoyable for his late-night friends.The free ride is also a form of support for those consuming alcohol. Advertise ments for drinking are all over residence halls. The choice of wallpaper in many dorm rooms consists of beer boxes and fluorescent Budweiser lights. Beer and liquor bottles are a usual decoration in most dorms; theyre used as vases, piggy banks, candle holders, and candy dishes. Each time you walk by a dorm room, you see these things like a giant billboard in Times Square. For a student athlete, a game-winning shot could get him/her a free spirit at the local bar.Fans, bar owners, coaches, athletic directors, teammates, and parents have all been seen rewarding the athletes with toasts and celebration shots. These same oasts are given to college students on their birthdays, no matter how old they are. Fraternities and sororities also bring a drinking factor to colleges. They are known more commonly for their parties and ability to drink, than their community service and GPAs. Even though we don't have them on our campus, they are apparent at the majority of colleges and universities across America.The frats are known for their very popular gatherings where binge drinking is rewarded, and hardly anyone is sober. Sororities are known to attend these parties and Join in the festivities. Another factor that proves that college and drinking go hand in hand is the abrupt end of this behavior for most after college graduation. Most students buckle down for graduate school or the beginning of their career. This excessive drinking pattern does not continue. The tragedies occur when the drinking becomes out of hand.Some drinkers get into a habit of binge drinking. This has been defined as â€Å"drinking to get drunk† (Center for Science, March 2000). Binge drinking leads to passing out, blacking out, memory loss, and injury due to loss of mobility. Unusual and outrageous behavior can get you removed from your university. Even if a student doesn't normally act in mischievous ways, this behavior cannot be excused because of the influence of alcohol. Getting in troub le with the law goes on your public record.Around 11 percent of college student drinkers say they have damaged someone's property while drinking, and 5 percent of a college campus will be involved with the police or campus security due to drinking (A Snapshot of Annual High-Risk College Drinking Consequences, 2002). Other alcohol related charges include public intoxication, minor in possession, driving under the influence, operating while intoxicated, indecent exposure, resisting rrest, interference with official duties, assaulting an officer, and disorderly conduct.